Medical Facility Licensed By Dubai Health Authority (DHA)

kidney Test At Lab 247

Comprehensive Biochemical Check-up (CBC)

kidney Test At Lab 247, Comprehensive Biochemical Check-up (CBC) service page! At [Lab 247], we offer a comprehensive range of healthcare services to ensure your well-being. Our CBC service is designed to provide you with a detailed analysis of various essential parameters, enabling us to assess your overall health and detect any underlying issues. With our state-of-the-art technology and experienced medical professionals, you can trust us to deliver accurate and reliable results. Choose the CBC service and take a step towards understanding and enhancing your health!

kidney Test At Lab 247, Understanding CBC Parameters

Sodium, Potassium, and Chloride

Maintaining Electrolyte Balance for Optimal Health

Electrolytes are crucial for numerous bodily functions, including nerve and muscle function, maintaining fluid balance, and regulating blood pressure. Our CBC service evaluates the levels of important electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and chloride. This analysis helps identify any imbalances that might affect your overall well-being. By monitoring these electrolytes, we can provide recommendations tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you maintain optimal health.

Urea, Creatinine, and Uric Acid

Assessing Kidney Function for Optimal Health

Kidneys play a vital role in removing waste and excess substances from your body. Our CBC service includes the measurement of urea, creatinine, and uric acid, which serve as important indicators of kidney function. These parameters help us identify any early signs of kidney dysfunction, enabling timely interventions. By understanding your kidney health, we can provide personalized guidance to protect and enhance the functioning of these vital organs.

Protein, Total and Albumin/Globulin Ratio

Monitoring Nutritional Status and Liver Health

Proteins are essential for the growth, repair, and functioning of your body. Through our CBC service, we assess the levels of total protein and the albumin/globulin ratio. These measurements provide crucial insights into your body’s nutritional status and liver function. By analyzing these parameters, we can detect deficiencies or imbalances that may impact your overall health. Our medical experts can then recommend appropriate dietary changes or further investigations to optimize your well-being.

Phosphorus and Calcium

Maintaining Bone Health and Vital Metabolic Processes

Phosphorus and calcium are integral for maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and various metabolic processes. Our comprehensive CBC service includes the evaluation of these essential minerals. By assessing the levels of phosphorus and calcium, we can identify any deficiencies or imbalances that might compromise your bone health or interfere with vital physiological functions. Our expert advice will help you ensure optimal levels of these minerals, supporting your well-being.

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Microalbumin, Urine Random

Identifying Early Signs of Kidney Damage

Microalbumin is a crucial marker for detecting kidney damage at an early stage. In our CBC service, we conduct a urine random test to measure microalbumin levels. This analysis allows us to detect even small amounts of albumin in the urine, which might be an early indicator of kidney dysfunction. Early detection empowers us to take proactive measures to prevent further damage and protect your kidney health. Trust us to provide accurate and timely results to keep you informed and healthy.

Urine Analysis/Routine

A Comprehensive Overview of Urinary Health

Our CBC service also includes a routine urine analysis to evaluate various parameters related to urinary health. This analysis provides a broad picture of your urinary system, helping us identify any abnormalities or signs of infection. By understanding your urinary health, we can guide you appropriately, ensuring early detection and effective management of any potential concerns.

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